In the event you have had a hosting account before, you may have come across a situation where you pay for some unrestricted feature only to discover later that it happens to be restricted and you have a preset quota. This may happen with the disk space, the database storage, the monthly bandwidth along with other features that many Internet hosting service providers offer in a way that's different from what you'll really get. That's the so-called overselling, which providers use so that they can attract customers even though they are aware that they are unable to provide their clients with the features they advertise usually because of the type of their hosting platform or in the case of the resellers - due to the fact that they have some limits from the actual web hosting provider.

No Overselling in Hosting

Unlike other web hosting service providers, we do not oversell as we simply don't need to. The attributes which we have listed for our hosting plans are what you will really get provided you sign up with our firm. The reason behind our guarantees is an innovative cloud web hosting platform that will provide all system resources each of our customers could ever need. Rather than storing files and running SQL or e-mail servers and other system processes on the very same machine, we have separate groups of servers managing each one of these services, so you'll never run into a situation where the server lacks the required system resources for your sites. If we need additional disk space or more memory, we can simply attach the needed hardware or even entire servers to any given cluster, so if you use one of our internet hosting packages, you'll always receive what you've paid for.

No Overselling in Semi-dedicated Hosting

We don't oversell not only because we don't believe in these practices, but also because we can in fact provide all features that come with our semi-dedicated hosting plans, including the unlimited ones. This is possible due to our advanced custom-built cluster platform which will allow you to employ more system resources than any other company can afford to offer with this type of internet hosting. While the majority of of our competitors run everything on just a single server and their Control Panels are meant to work in such a way, we have separate clusters for the file storage, e-mail addresses, databases, etc, and our Hepsia Control Panel was built to work on this type of a setup. Our semi-dedicated solutions come with lots of unlimited characteristics as we can expand any of our clusters by including extra machines, so the features we offer are in fact unlimited and you will not end up spending money on something that you cannot really use.